Tuesday, February 8, 2011

So I'm Behind the Times

Hello World,
In regards to watching TV, Films and such I don't tend to watch things when their popular or when the air time is.   I'm a big fan of DVR, streaming video, and renting things.  I like watching things on my term without the commercials.  The funny thing is that I recently signed up for Netflixs.  I've had it before when it was brand new and the turn around time and selection was low.  I decided to try it again when the started offering the streaming on the Wii.  Well lets just say I think its the greatest inventions for couch potatoes the world over.  I don't think I've been disappointment with it but once and it was cause I doesn't stream on my old Mac. (Pre Intell Chip but it still works like a dream)  If your into Movies and TV you have got to get this very cheap service.  I have saved so much money with renting things and entertaining myself.  $10 vs $100 a month?! 
The Funniest thing that has come about because of the Netflixs is that I'm starting to catch up on TV shows that I decided not to follow for what ever reason.  For the last month when I haven't been working, or producing "As you Like It" I have been watching Lost.  I know laugh at me, that is so 2 years ago.  I don't care, it was AMAZING!!!! I got the hype before, I watched a few episodes thought it was interesting.  However I had class and then 2 seasons later had no idea what the hell was going on.  I'm actually sort of glad I was not caught up in the immediate hype when it happened.  I would of had no life!  LOL  J. J. Abrams does a great job in creating interesting concepts and story lines.  He knows what people want and how to give it to them.  Oh if only I could be a fly on the wall in his office!  Or better yet work for him.  I do have to say though that when I started re watching the series from beginning to end I did guess the end by the third episode.  I'm still debating on how much was, hell, heaven, limbo and earth but I knew that they were all dead.  The one thing that bothered me was that at the end the iconography got a little heavy handed.  In some ways keeping track of all of the story lines was like reading Dune.  It was fun, I enjoyed it, now I can move on into my next obsession, GLEE!!! LOL which is the only show I currently tune into when it airs.  Not this week though, sad face, it hell week.  Which is why I love DVR!







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