Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Picture Chalenge #10

Oh this one I thought was easy a picture of the person I do the most ****** up things with!  I thought about putting several people here.  And then it hit me.  I'm normally the instigator in the group.  The one who jumps fences, sneaks into partys and concerts, etc.  LOL I'm the bad egg in the group of my friends.  Thank god I've started to calm down!

Women, Food and God

Hello World,
     I'm a mixed bag on self help books.  Some times they can realy be great and if used as a tool they can help someone change their life or start towards a better tomorow.  Or sometimes their just realy handing books that tell you how to fix your leaky fauceat!  My mother, yes my mother decided I should read the book "Women, Food, & God" by Geneen Roth.  I wasn't sure if I should be insulted at first but I thought I would give it a go.  Basicaly what Geneen is trying to say is that what, how, where you eat says everything about who you are and the relationship you have with yourself.  She has very bassic rules/guidelines for changing that relationship. 
1. Eat when you are hungry.
2. Eat sitting down in a calm environment. This does not include the car.
3. Eat without distractions. Distractions include radio, television, newspapers, books, intense or anxiety-producing conversations or music.
4. Eat what your body wants.
5. Eat until you are satisfied.
6. Eat (with the intention of being) in full view of others.
7. Eat with enjoyment, gusto, and pleasure.

  I'm still not sure what to make of the book and the rules she set up.  Its simple, deceptivly simple.  I only took about three hours to read the whole book.  I need to read it again before I decide how I feel about it.  There seems to be something to what she is saying.  If it realy is that simple no wonder were not geting it.  People always seem to be complicating things!  I'll keep you updated on this whole read.  Let you know if It works for me or how it goes.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Picture Chalenge #9

A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.  I know who should go here.  She's been a great friend for years.  I've known here since I was eight.  I don't know what happened but in the last year we just drifted apart.  I don't have the right to put her face on here.  But I think about her and what we did together and shared.  Strange how people grow and change. 

The Kings Speach

Hello World,
     So Friday night the group got together to watch " The King's Speech".  I've been wanting to see this film for a while and I realy did want to see it before the Oscars I just didn't prioritise it on the top of the to do list.  I'm realy glad I got to see it.  It deserved ever nod, recognition, trophy and golden man it got!  It was amazing!!!!  I loved the camera effects and how much emphasise was put on the microphones.  Each camera angle was perfection in creating tension, emptyness, lonelyness, and anxiety.  The acting was amazing.    The sets and costumes were amazing.  The directing was amazing.  The script was amazing, no realy the best part was the dialog and the interation of the dialog!  I was laughing and crying and feeling for my characters as soon as the movie started.  Five out of Five stars!!!!  GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!  TITS!  (PS its rare for me to like a movie this much so it realy was amazing.  My father even liked it and he hates "Artzie" movies)
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Picture #8

Picture Chalenge #8
A picture that makes me laugh!  Bahhhahahahahaha.  This one allways gets me.  It's so stupid.  I know 4 year old over here.

The Sword of Truth or Legend of the Seeker

Hello World,
     So last week when I wasn't working or watching bad movies I was watching totally nerdy TV and reading equally nerdy books.  I started by watching "Legend of the Seeker", which is ABC's take on the book The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind.  After geting about half way through the first season of LOTS i started bugging Luke, who recomend the book; about different elements of the series.  (I like to chalenge myself by guessing endings and plot developments.)  After two failed conversations about the series vs the book I finnaly started reading the book.  The two are the same but very different.  In fact I was torn between posting two different blogs since I could treat each part like a seperate idea.  Both the series and the book relay hevaly on architypes and common elemnts of adventure quest fantasy books.  Yong man coming of age.  Father figure burns in his house, dies (Star Wars/ Eragon).  New father figure/wizard/teacher steps in.  Love interest arives on the scene that he can possible fall in love with no matter what.  Oh and the world is going to come to an end unless you go do this right now.  And don't forget the evil guy will be your father and or brother that you never knew about!  Gasp in shock and awe!!!!
     LOL ok maybe that was a synical plot line break down but its true.  I realy did like both the series and the book.  I like the book better; but I allways like the book better.  It was a four out of five stars for me.  The only reason it didn't get five was I wasn't overly wowed by the plot line.  Mind you I'm only on book one.  But book onw was season one of the series.  Heres to hopeing and knowing books usualy get better as they go.
     In regards to the series, I would have given it four out of five stars if I had not started reading the book.  But after reading the book it's geting bumped down to three stars.  The production took some liberties with the storie line that did not make sense and seemed to take away from the point of the story.  The show got better as it went.  The actors found there character and came to terms with who they were and became more belivable.  It also looked like the production got a great bump in the budget especially for effects.  If you like fantasy this is right up your alley. 
     (I can't wait to get book number two to read --- Oliver...!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Picture Chalenge #7

Hello World,
     So this picture is about my most treasured item.  I'm not sure if I realy am that into material posesions?!  Does my dog count?  I own her, but is it a posesion?!  Hmmmm, well I know what items I wouldn't be grabing if I had to run out of my door due to a zombie apocalypse.  It wouldn't be my computer, or my phone, camera, jewlery, or any of those other things.  All right its a tie..  Between my most treasured books and my doggies!  So I will either be running from the zombies loaded down by coppies of Alanna, Ella Enchanted, Lord of the Rings, Hitchickers Guide to the Galaxy, ad Farenheit 451 or dragging my motly band of furry friends Buddha, Bandit, Bino, and Buster out the door.  Got both images are equally rediculose!

Red Riding Hood

Hello World,
     Yes I know its been a little while since I've put something up.  I'm sorry.  I started on a different writting project and couldn't drag myself away from it.  So that means some of the posts that will be going up are a little out of date/behind.  Sue me... LOL
So last week I went out with the gang to go and watch "Red Riding Hood."  Lets just say that this movie was so bad it was good.  The group had mixed reactions to the film; some loved it and some wanted their money back.  I think it just depended on how much you were willing to forgive the movie for being what it was.  I am going to give is a 2 out of 5 stars.  I had fun watching it, but it really was a terrible movie and unless you enjoy films like "West World", "The Relic", and "Space Balls" this movie is not for you.
     The film was directed by Catherine Hardwicke who also just happend to direct the well known film Twilight (2008).  Red Riding Hood (2011) is the story of little red riding hood from before mother goose got her hands on the story.  Its dark, bloody, sexy and every time there could be a moment to up the anti the director takes it.  I realy did not need to see some of the scenes and actions thaqt made it into the final cut.  They don't add to the film in anyway.  It just fills the movie with extra sizzle to tantilize the young people the film is very much geared for.  Bassicaly in my really brutaly honest opinion it seemed like the producers and Warner Brothers said "Make the next Twighlight."  Sad, it could of been something more.  (I even guessed the end before the half way point)
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