Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet

Hello World,
So my fellow friends, geeks, and Shakespeare lovers went off to the movies this past week to go see Gnome & Juliet.  I give it 4 stars out of 5 in my book and would recomend it to fans of cartoons, childrens movies and the Bard.  Bassicaly its Romeo and Juliet acted out by garden Gnomes.  Silly, ridiculos and oh so much fun.  We laughed the entire time, plus so screaming and a few shouted out lines.  Yes we were those people in the audience.  I'm sorry but its true.  However in a 500+ seater theater there was about 4 other people in the audience so we were not that concerned.  The story line is altered a little to make it more apropriate for a younger audience and the who and the what don't exactly match the original story.  But in all it was a fair shake at updateing and making the story a commedy.  The one thing that let me down just a little bit was that it wasn't the actual story. 
However I loved it.  I enjoyed looking for and finding all of the different Shakespeare references.  If you know you Shakespeare you will have a blast.  We don't even know if we found all of the refrences!  Some of them were realy out there and hard to even see.  One was a Picture of a Swan on a london bus that said "Upon Avon."  One of the Best parts for me was when Shakespeare himself made an aperance.  He was voiced by my dear sci-fi love Cpt. John Luke Picard aka John Partick Stewart.  His line "I told you so!" was the best moment in the whole movie.  My favorite character was Featherstone the wonderful pink flamingo.  He was Father Lauwrence and Touchstone wraped up into one character with a little bit of Robin Williams and the Bird Cage thrown in.  Most of the Score was Elton John, I loved it!!!  Especial Paris!
The animation was ok but simple.  I don't know if it is running in 3D but if it is save your money.  Its a simple film and not worth the extra $. 
Let me know what your favorite Shakespeare refrence was?!

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