Friday, February 18, 2011

Silly Student Night!

Hello World,
So I've been telling you all about AYLI and I'm going to keep doing so, lol, after all its the big thing going on this month!  So after taking a break all week we are getting back to the theater for our second weekend of shows.  We are really expecting lots of people for this weekend and the rest of the time.  All the actors and most everyone who was interested in coming seemed to be favoring the latter weekends.  But that theater for you the first weekend is all ways the slowest.  Actually I was very happy with the turn out the first weekend!  No worries on having an empty house!  Now its only going to get crazy!!  I wonder how many people we can shove into that room LOL.  I'm really looking forward to tonight... ITS SILLY STUDENT NIGHT!  This is not a common thing to see in theater in fact its sort of rare.  But we did it with Midsummer and it was the best show we had done all along.  The audience was amazing!  So were doing it early this time around and who knows some of the antics might be kept for the rest of the show.  So far I know that every one has something planned and something up their sleeve.  I'm a little nervous about mine but its perfect for my character.  So if your looking to split your gut laughing tonight come out tonight to see the show.   Its only $5 tonight.  Come early!
Buy Your Tickets Here
Can't wait to see you!


  1. It was amazing! More theaters should do this!

  2. Oh yeah!!! We intend on duing as much as we can! So much great work comes out of that night!
