Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Opinion Seeking

Hello World,
So as many of you might of read I've started a writting project bassed on some research I'm doing in regards to Shakespeare.  I wanted to get some opinions from you.   Tell me what some of your favorite scenes are between Shakespeare's lovers?  The one's you either love the best or you think are the best examples of writting from the noble bard.


  1. From Twelfth Night Act 2, Scene 4 and the part of Act Three Scene 1 with Olivia and Viola.

    The we're all bespelled in the woods scene from Midsummer.

    Act 3, Scene 2 from The Comedy of Errors.

    (Can you tell so far that I like cases of mistaken identity?)

    Much Ado About Nothing Act 1, Scene 1 (Between B &B) Act 5, Scene 2

    Mackers Act 1, Scene 7

    In Taming of the Shrew P. and K. from Act 2, Scene 1; Act 4, Scene 5

    From As You Like It Act 4, Scene 1 and "Why Blame You Me To Love You!"

  2. Thanks, cataloged on compiled!
