Thursday, March 17, 2011

Heaviest Reading EVER!!! Gahh

Hello World,
So this week has been both entirely empty and very full.  After a month of no sleep and working with actors (Sorry guys but actors are actors) who were driving me batty, I decided a decent amount of rest was in order.  So I went to the movies a whole bunch and read a book!  It’s an EPIC book. Coming in at 1000 pages, hardcover, I think it weighed about five pounds -- give or take.  So let’s just say that a book that should have been light reading was the heaviest book I have ever read. That includes HP7!  (I’m pretty sure the one night I tried reading it in bed dislocated my shoulder!)
So, the book is called “Way of Kings” from “the Stormlight Archives” by Brandon Sanderson.  Coming in at a full 1008 pages, it is a mammoth book that is going to be a part of a mammoth ten part series.  Each book in the season is supposedly going to be the same length….  Can I confess that while I love reading that just seems like too much!  This book was recommended to me by Luke and Oliver.  Both of them love it and thought I would share in their love.  However my love for this book has been unyielding and I only finished it because they wanted me to. 
I can find good points about the story.  I thought it had great descriptive elements and the author spent a lot of time creating the world of the Stormlight Archives. The world that was created was different and enjoyable.  It reminded me of a coral reef in a lot of ways.  With animals and creatures that sounded like giant lobsters and crabs, even the plants sounded like coral.  An unusual element was that there were illustrations in this book.  I’m not sure I liked that because it changed my vision of the world I was creating too quickly and didn’t match what I saw.  If you’re going to give me ten or so pictures in this big of a book make it worth the time and give me more.  I wanted illustrations of the characters.  Some sounded really interesting and it seems like there is about ten plus species/breeds/races. 
Now I could spend the rest of my time telling you why the book was terrible in my opinion, but I’ll just sum it up instead.  It’s long. Really, really, REEEAAAALLLLYYYY long.  There is no major or significant plot development or character development.  I spent too much time reading about a character for one chapter and then they disappeared, poof. (Yes I know there was some amazing bit of info stuck somewhere in that section.) I felt like I was reading a really long and extended prologue. Luke and Oliver will make fun of me for this but if you going to bore me to death with a book at least give me something! Even some skin would of made it that much better!!!!! 
This mountain of a book rates 2 stars out of 5 for me.  If you want to waste some time on vacation and you like Sci-fi, this book could work for you.  I will probably give the second installment a shot when it comes out; however, as a relatively new author this book falls flat and reads as if he was aiming to fill pages, not make good fiction.

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