Hello World,
I have mentioned this before; the small man who sings songs to me. Well I heard this song about a month or so ago on a late night euro club dj spin and well it stuck. Finnaly took the time to figure out who, what it is. Thought I would share. I actual kinda like the video. Iit apeals to the geek in me.
Monday, February 28, 2011
So today I become one year older. I'm not old yet. I'm very much young. It's just interesting that we watch, count, measure the passing of time. Its an odd celebration in many respects. "Congratulation! You didn't die this year!" Its sort of a morrbid holiday wraped up in tinsel, crepe paper, and frosting. To me its just another day that I mentally think about. Counting down the things I did, want to do, and whish I had the guts to do. Perhaps this year I'll take the time on my birthday to write down my goals again and re-prioritse (sp?) my life. Of course so much of my life is planned?... No celebration for me today. Work all day then the show. Glad I took the time to go out with friends this weekend. Perhaps I'll share what I'm going to aim for this year... Maybe... Untill then Happy Birthday to me and a verry merry un birthday to you!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Stupid fake news!
Do people think this is real?!
Hello World,
So I logged into my email acount this morning and started looking throught the news on Yahoo.com. There was an article in the news about how to sleep better. As some one who has a hard time falling asleep and does suffer from insomina at times; I thought great I'll click on this and see if its worth my time. Well it wasn't! Not that this is new in anyway, but I really hate when advertisments hide in plain sight as news articles. Disapointing, and I worry for how many people fall for these tricks.
People need to learn to read between the fine lines!! Grumble.....
Hello World,
So I logged into my email acount this morning and started looking throught the news on Yahoo.com. There was an article in the news about how to sleep better. As some one who has a hard time falling asleep and does suffer from insomina at times; I thought great I'll click on this and see if its worth my time. Well it wasn't! Not that this is new in anyway, but I really hate when advertisments hide in plain sight as news articles. Disapointing, and I worry for how many people fall for these tricks.
People need to learn to read between the fine lines!! Grumble.....
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Hello World,
So this week has been an interesting mix of up and down. And while I read War Breaker like a mad man I then promptly ran out of steam and spent my insomiatic free time watching BBC shows. Now that I have Netflixs it so much easier then hunting for downloads and youtubing. So I decided that I was going to catch up on the show Primeval. I started into season 1 back when it first came out and then promptly gave up after 4 weeks because BBC has the worst slots on time ever! I love there shows and when I had BBC America I watched it all the time. I just realy hate having to make my life fit around a TV show. So I do what I do and catch up after 3 years of it being on air.
Basicaly Primeval is a show about scientist, dinosaurs, and rifts in time. Yes it is Quantom Leap
and Jurassic Park
wraped up into one show. Its a fun show that for 45 minutes allows you to channel your inner child and dream about what would happen in Dino's realy could live in your back yard. Bassicaly a rift opens, some createure or other wanders through, the scientist go deal with the situation, some one almost allways nearly dies, and then they learn some insight to help them fight the time rifts.
This is a silly Sci-fi rump that is lacking in some areas but makes up for it in other places. There are a few plot holes and I did have issues with the quickly changing cast of chracters. The effects are decent for the production and I do enjoy it. Plus as a side note ladies there is some eye candy for you! I'm realy looking forward to the next season. Its almost done being aired over in the UK. Now I just have to find a good online channel to watch it on. The last season ended with a great cast and some realy fun banter and set up. Can't wait!!!
Warbreaker Book Review
Hello World,
So I am an avid reader... I think you might have figured taht out?! Not sure though...
Any who this book was recomended to me by a friend who noticed that I hadn't been reading anything but non-fiction and research books as of late. He thought it would be a good change of pace for a week. LOL little did he know I would read the book in 2 days!!! I don't just read I gobble books!
So the book of the week for me is "Warbreaker" by Brandon Sanderson
. Its a dense fantasy novel (688 pages) in a very classic archetype story structure. It had no major plot surprises for me or interesting character development.
Sanderson is a pretty big author and has many published titles. While I'm not a major fan of his I have read a few of his other books. Most of his stories take place in the same world or universe. and the thing I love the most about his writing is how rich the setting, scenery, history etc is. I just wish he would put more of that richness into his characters. I've felt more invested in characters from short stories then I did in this big book.
Now the only surprise to me in this book was how he approached his concept of magic. In this world "magic" is called breath and uses color and sound to gain strength and power. While not all of the elements are unique they way they were put together and used was very interesting.
For me "Warbreaker" is a 3 out of 5 stars. Interesting soft piece of fantasy that I didn't mind reading but will not read again. For the hard core fantasy lover I think they would enjoy.
So I am an avid reader... I think you might have figured taht out?! Not sure though...
Any who this book was recomended to me by a friend who noticed that I hadn't been reading anything but non-fiction and research books as of late. He thought it would be a good change of pace for a week. LOL little did he know I would read the book in 2 days!!! I don't just read I gobble books!
So the book of the week for me is "Warbreaker" by Brandon Sanderson
Sanderson is a pretty big author and has many published titles. While I'm not a major fan of his I have read a few of his other books. Most of his stories take place in the same world or universe. and the thing I love the most about his writing is how rich the setting, scenery, history etc is. I just wish he would put more of that richness into his characters. I've felt more invested in characters from short stories then I did in this big book.
Now the only surprise to me in this book was how he approached his concept of magic. In this world "magic" is called breath and uses color and sound to gain strength and power. While not all of the elements are unique they way they were put together and used was very interesting.
For me "Warbreaker" is a 3 out of 5 stars. Interesting soft piece of fantasy that I didn't mind reading but will not read again. For the hard core fantasy lover I think they would enjoy.
Friday, February 25, 2011
The next time ANY OF YOU want to complain about teachers salaries or benefits......
Found this on Facebook from a note someone made. I thought it was great and wanted to share. This puts a lot of jobs into perspective of pay rates for me. So many family's are supporting themselves on one minimum paycheck! It's sad and I just want to make people try to stop being such jerks about how and what people are paid. For the BS I have had to put up with at my jobs sometimes I thought it would be better not to make a damn paycheck...
Are you sick of high paid teachers? Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! Not counting all those days off in between! It’s time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - baby sit! We can get that for less than minimum wage.
That’s right. Let’s give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan — that equals 6 1/2 hours).
Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children.
Now how many do they teach in day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.
LET’S SEE…. That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 peryear. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).
What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children
X 180 days = $280,800 per year.
Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here!
The average teacher’s salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student–a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!)
Adjust for changes in minimum wage now! Ohh and FYI because of cut backs and lack of support by the community and family's; teachers are digging into their own paycheck to make sure your kids have supplies!
Are you sick of high paid teachers? Teachers’ hefty salaries are driving up taxes, and they only work 9 or 10 months a year! Not counting all those days off in between! It’s time we put things in perspective and pay them for what they do - baby sit! We can get that for less than minimum wage.
That’s right. Let’s give them $3.00 an hour and only the hours they worked; not any of that silly planning time, or any time they spend before or after school. That would be $19.50 a day (7:45 to 3:00 PM with 45 min. off for lunch and plan — that equals 6 1/2 hours).
Each parent should pay $19.50 a day for these teachers to baby-sit their children.
Now how many do they teach in day…maybe 30? So that’s $19.50 x 30 = $585.00 a day. However, remember they only work 180 days a year!!! I am not going to pay them for any vacations.
LET’S SEE…. That’s $585 X 180= $105,300 peryear. (Hold on! My calculator needs new batteries).
What about those special education teachers and the ones with Master’s degrees? Well, we could pay them minimum wage ($7.75), and just to be fair, round it off to $8.00 an hour. That would be $8 X 6 1/2 hours X 30 children
X 180 days = $280,800 per year.
Wait a minute — there’s something wrong here!
The average teacher’s salary (nation wide) is $50,000. $50,000/180 days = $277.77/per day/30 students=$9.25/6.5 hours = $1.42 per hour per student–a very inexpensive baby-sitter and they even EDUCATE your kids!)
Adjust for changes in minimum wage now! Ohh and FYI because of cut backs and lack of support by the community and family's; teachers are digging into their own paycheck to make sure your kids have supplies!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Shakespeare Resources
I'm a big fan of books, owning them, holding them, reading them, mmmm me love me some books. However I also do know that books take up room and space!!! Now that I've started this crazy research project I know for sure I would not be able to own, read, and hold all of my refrence sources. That is why I love the internet!! http://shakespeare.mit.edu/ Is the best online source for quickly looking up Shakespeare's work! Its the best! Now there are some typos and issues with spelling and first folio vs second folio vs modern translations and editors opinions. But for me to quickly find a line, scene in a play, its GREAT!!! In fact to tell you the truth most of my research starts on the internet and then moves to hard copies. So for you actors out their or Bard lovers great first stop to brush up on Shakespeare.&Or you can join me in my book love and buy every copy imaginable!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
I feel adrift today... as if some small pin deep within the mechanism of the spirit has come out. And oh so slowly the gears are beginning to slip. Each moment the organism slows and becomes more unsteady as it grounds to a halt. Perhaps I should go find a coo-coo clock maker and ask them to fix me? sigh...
Hehe I've gotten things like this.
Hello World,
Doing some more research on tech stuff for work and I stumbled across This little fun iteam. I thought it was great and wanted to share it with you. Actually most everything I find at this website http://www.pcworld.com/ is either realy entertaining or informative.

Doing some more research on tech stuff for work and I stumbled across This little fun iteam. I thought it was great and wanted to share it with you. Actually most everything I find at this website http://www.pcworld.com/ is either realy entertaining or informative.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Gnomeo & Juliet
Hello World,
So my fellow friends, geeks, and Shakespeare lovers went off to the movies this past week to go see Gnome & Juliet. I give it 4 stars out of 5 in my book and would recomend it to fans of cartoons, childrens movies and the Bard. Bassicaly its Romeo and Juliet acted out by garden Gnomes. Silly, ridiculos and oh so much fun. We laughed the entire time, plus so screaming and a few shouted out lines. Yes we were those people in the audience. I'm sorry but its true. However in a 500+ seater theater there was about 4 other people in the audience so we were not that concerned. The story line is altered a little to make it more apropriate for a younger audience and the who and the what don't exactly match the original story. But in all it was a fair shake at updateing and making the story a commedy. The one thing that let me down just a little bit was that it wasn't the actual story.
However I loved it. I enjoyed looking for and finding all of the different Shakespeare references. If you know you Shakespeare you will have a blast. We don't even know if we found all of the refrences! Some of them were realy out there and hard to even see. One was a Picture of a Swan on a london bus that said "Upon Avon." One of the Best parts for me was when Shakespeare himself made an aperance. He was voiced by my dear sci-fi love Cpt. John Luke Picard aka John Partick Stewart. His line "I told you so!" was the best moment in the whole movie. My favorite character was Featherstone the wonderful pink flamingo. He was Father Lauwrence and Touchstone wraped up into one character with a little bit of Robin Williams and the Bird Cage thrown in. Most of the Score was Elton John, I loved it!!! Especial Paris!
The animation was ok but simple. I don't know if it is running in 3D but if it is save your money. Its a simple film and not worth the extra $.
Let me know what your favorite Shakespeare refrence was?!
So my fellow friends, geeks, and Shakespeare lovers went off to the movies this past week to go see Gnome & Juliet. I give it 4 stars out of 5 in my book and would recomend it to fans of cartoons, childrens movies and the Bard. Bassicaly its Romeo and Juliet acted out by garden Gnomes. Silly, ridiculos and oh so much fun. We laughed the entire time, plus so screaming and a few shouted out lines. Yes we were those people in the audience. I'm sorry but its true. However in a 500+ seater theater there was about 4 other people in the audience so we were not that concerned. The story line is altered a little to make it more apropriate for a younger audience and the who and the what don't exactly match the original story. But in all it was a fair shake at updateing and making the story a commedy. The one thing that let me down just a little bit was that it wasn't the actual story.
However I loved it. I enjoyed looking for and finding all of the different Shakespeare references. If you know you Shakespeare you will have a blast. We don't even know if we found all of the refrences! Some of them were realy out there and hard to even see. One was a Picture of a Swan on a london bus that said "Upon Avon." One of the Best parts for me was when Shakespeare himself made an aperance. He was voiced by my dear sci-fi love Cpt. John Luke Picard aka John Partick Stewart. His line "I told you so!" was the best moment in the whole movie. My favorite character was Featherstone the wonderful pink flamingo. He was Father Lauwrence and Touchstone wraped up into one character with a little bit of Robin Williams and the Bird Cage thrown in. Most of the Score was Elton John, I loved it!!! Especial Paris!
The animation was ok but simple. I don't know if it is running in 3D but if it is save your money. Its a simple film and not worth the extra $.
Let me know what your favorite Shakespeare refrence was?!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Borders declares chapter 11!
Sad face for me. I love books in fact I am most definatly a bibliophial! The smell, the touch, the weight and presence that a book has. You can smell the different types of inks and even the history of the book. Was it well loved, was the person a foodie, or did it sit forgoten awaiting someone to charish its words within. On February 16th when I heard that Borders was declaring bankrupcy my heart sank a little bit. I love going to book stores and wandering around the shelves finding new treasures or being lost in the covers of a book. For me Borders was the bookstore I go to in order to find some escape from this life. (Yes yell at me and say support the local book store! But there is only 1 in my area and its realy inconvenient and out of the way. Plus I think it sort of stinks as a store, ehhemm its called customer service.) I do understand why the comapny is having issues. They were not keeping up with changing trends in book sales as well as the fact that spending habits have changed and even less people are purchasing physical books. I recently recieved an e-reader for x-mas. It is an interesting device and I do plan on using it. But it does signifigantly change how I aproch my reading and how I purchase books. I only purchase and borrow books due to fact that becasue of an interesting lay of the land, county and city classifications I can't get a local library card unless I pay a pretty hefty fee. So for me book stores are the only place for me to find new reading materials. I wish them the best of luck in changing their business plan cause I realy do love books. On top of which Borders slide into trouble represnts to me how thin of a line so many poeople are walking on in this economy. News article from NBC
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Update on the Bills,
Hello World,
Some sad new today.The budget against PPH will most deffinatly be getting slashed. The Pence Bill has passed against PPH. But hey the government will be supporting NASCAR! Wow the demographic that really doesn't support PPH will be getting all of the money funneled to their favorite sport! (Is NASCAR really a sport?) Head Hurts!
Some sad new today.
Square CC reader
Best invention ever!! Basically its a credit card reader that connects to an I-phone, or other smart phone. Down load the free app sign up for the free program, and "random french word I can't figure out how to spell" instant CC reader. As some one who has dealt with merchant accounts this is a god send for small business everywhere, or just a person. There is a fee for the transactions but that is to be expected. But its cheaper then other accounts I've managed and there are no membership fees or anything?! I'm still playing with it but I think its great! We're using this wonderful little gadget at "As You Like It"! Square for more info.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
WOW, if only it wearn't true!
Your Kidding Right?!
Okay so I was doing some research for work and stumbled across this little nugget about the human race. I can't believe that people even in America can hold some of these opinions!!! My head hurts because of this article. 32% of Russians and 28% of Americas think the sun circles the earth. Science for hundreds of years has excepted now that the world revolves around the sun! 55% of Russians and 37% think all Radioactive waste is man made. Maybe if you really uneducated or not able to problem solve well you might think all things that are radioactive come from humans. But hello, Radon, Asbestos, poison all made by nature?! 29% of Russians and 41% of Americans thought Humans and Dinos lived together. ?!Humans and dinos ruled the world together?!. This is a point of religion and not a fact any more. The only people who I have ever meet that even think this was are crazy religion people. FYI I do plan on visiting the creationism museum at some point in time. Just to spend the entire day laughing at the crazy wax figures!!! (Folks keep in mind that polls, survey and such can be altered or come up with bad numbers!)
Okay so I was doing some research for work and stumbled across this little nugget about the human race. I can't believe that people even in America can hold some of these opinions!!! My head hurts because of this article. 32% of Russians and 28% of Americas think the sun circles the earth. Science for hundreds of years has excepted now that the world revolves around the sun! 55% of Russians and 37% think all Radioactive waste is man made. Maybe if you really uneducated or not able to problem solve well you might think all things that are radioactive come from humans. But hello, Radon, Asbestos, poison all made by nature?! 29% of Russians and 41% of Americans thought Humans and Dinos lived together. ?!Humans and dinos ruled the world together?!. This is a point of religion and not a fact any more. The only people who I have ever meet that even think this was are crazy religion people. FYI I do plan on visiting the creationism museum at some point in time. Just to spend the entire day laughing at the crazy wax figures!!! (Folks keep in mind that polls, survey and such can be altered or come up with bad numbers!)
Friday, February 18, 2011
All the time!! WHY!!
New article (Please remember this is opinion!!! and I'm not defending one way or the other!)
So on Thursday I released a post about the right attacking public media sources. On my way out the door on the morning of Thursday; while listening to my public radio station I head yet more news that depressed me. As of February 9, 2011 (Last week about the same time as the Kill Big Bird Bill was coming out) a new bill was introduced that attacks Planned Parenthood. Basically the legislation says that all funding to PPH would be stopped.
So that means "all help" for underage, impoverished, immigrant and others will no longer exist! I quoted all help because there are other organizations out side of PPH who do this type of work but most of those have very strong religious influences and offer a very one sided view on options. PPH is not a perfect system but given our nations ethics, religion, and social excepted ideas of normalcy this is the best wide spread system we have.
I know many women who benefit and use the resources PPH offers. In fact if it wasn't for PPH I'm sure there would be more babies in my circle of friends. The sad thing is, is that these people I'm talking about actually come from middle class background and are supposedly of the white and highly educated class. You have no idea how many times I have explained to different women that if they are taking birth control and taking an antibiotic at the same time that their birth control is not effective! It makes me want to scream at parents, churches, schools and anyone else who has a hand in sex education and tell them how terrible of a time they are doing.
The thing that really makes me chuckle about this story is that the history of PPH is rather dark. In fact once you get past the fluff story that PPH gives you; PPH was a racist program. More info here In 1925 when PPH first started to become an organization and was actually known as Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), the original intent was to reduce and cleanse the population of the "Black and Yellow" menace that was threatening White America! PPH was RACIST PROPAGANDA when it FIRST STARTED!!! With time and softening from more liberal viewpoint PPH has become what it is today; but still in it's fist inception it was a very, very, VERY conservative program.
Please people if you are female, you have a mother, sister, daughter, or love someone who could become pregnant we need to stop anything that could shut down the single most effective program in America! Call, write or email you reps.
So on Thursday I released a post about the right attacking public media sources. On my way out the door on the morning of Thursday; while listening to my public radio station I head yet more news that depressed me. As of February 9, 2011 (Last week about the same time as the Kill Big Bird Bill was coming out) a new bill was introduced that attacks Planned Parenthood. Basically the legislation says that all funding to PPH would be stopped.
So that means "all help" for underage, impoverished, immigrant and others will no longer exist! I quoted all help because there are other organizations out side of PPH who do this type of work but most of those have very strong religious influences and offer a very one sided view on options. PPH is not a perfect system but given our nations ethics, religion, and social excepted ideas of normalcy this is the best wide spread system we have.
I know many women who benefit and use the resources PPH offers. In fact if it wasn't for PPH I'm sure there would be more babies in my circle of friends. The sad thing is, is that these people I'm talking about actually come from middle class background and are supposedly of the white and highly educated class. You have no idea how many times I have explained to different women that if they are taking birth control and taking an antibiotic at the same time that their birth control is not effective! It makes me want to scream at parents, churches, schools and anyone else who has a hand in sex education and tell them how terrible of a time they are doing.
The thing that really makes me chuckle about this story is that the history of PPH is rather dark. In fact once you get past the fluff story that PPH gives you; PPH was a racist program. More info here In 1925 when PPH first started to become an organization and was actually known as Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), the original intent was to reduce and cleanse the population of the "Black and Yellow" menace that was threatening White America! PPH was RACIST PROPAGANDA when it FIRST STARTED!!! With time and softening from more liberal viewpoint PPH has become what it is today; but still in it's fist inception it was a very, very, VERY conservative program.
Please people if you are female, you have a mother, sister, daughter, or love someone who could become pregnant we need to stop anything that could shut down the single most effective program in America! Call, write or email you reps.
Silly Student Night!
Hello World,
So I've been telling you all about AYLI and I'm going to keep doing so, lol, after all its the big thing going on this month! So after taking a break all week we are getting back to the theater for our second weekend of shows. We are really expecting lots of people for this weekend and the rest of the time. All the actors and most everyone who was interested in coming seemed to be favoring the latter weekends. But that theater for you the first weekend is all ways the slowest. Actually I was very happy with the turn out the first weekend! No worries on having an empty house! Now its only going to get crazy!! I wonder how many people we can shove into that room LOL. I'm really looking forward to tonight... ITS SILLY STUDENT NIGHT! This is not a common thing to see in theater in fact its sort of rare. But we did it with Midsummer and it was the best show we had done all along. The audience was amazing! So were doing it early this time around and who knows some of the antics might be kept for the rest of the show. So far I know that every one has something planned and something up their sleeve. I'm a little nervous about mine but its perfect for my character. So if your looking to split your gut laughing tonight come out tonight to see the show. Its only $5 tonight. Come early!
Buy Your Tickets Here
Can't wait to see you!
So I've been telling you all about AYLI and I'm going to keep doing so, lol, after all its the big thing going on this month! So after taking a break all week we are getting back to the theater for our second weekend of shows. We are really expecting lots of people for this weekend and the rest of the time. All the actors and most everyone who was interested in coming seemed to be favoring the latter weekends. But that theater for you the first weekend is all ways the slowest. Actually I was very happy with the turn out the first weekend! No worries on having an empty house! Now its only going to get crazy!! I wonder how many people we can shove into that room LOL. I'm really looking forward to tonight... ITS SILLY STUDENT NIGHT! This is not a common thing to see in theater in fact its sort of rare. But we did it with Midsummer and it was the best show we had done all along. The audience was amazing! So were doing it early this time around and who knows some of the antics might be kept for the rest of the show. So far I know that every one has something planned and something up their sleeve. I'm a little nervous about mine but its perfect for my character. So if your looking to split your gut laughing tonight come out tonight to see the show. Its only $5 tonight. Come early!
Buy Your Tickets Here
Can't wait to see you!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Killing Big Bird
Hello World,
Now I don't really watch much TV, in fact I watch little to none on any regular schedule or basis. In fact the only thing on TV I watch with any regularity is the news especially the morning spots. But as off late even that has become less of a source for me to gleam info from. To my fellow facebookers I say thank you because you are always posting the best links and info on the news feed. Without that and my car radio which get dialed into NPR and Liberal Radio in the morning I wouldn't know what is going on in the world. So When I saw some of these posts and then heard about it on Liberal radio I was shocked. The wonderful right is trying to shut down NPR and PBS. They claim they are doing it for the budget and the betterment of America, blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry this is a complete move to wrestle away any control the so called liberal presidency (I say Main Stream) has on media. The whole system was put up in 1934 in response to a major need for regulation. Its an amazing piece of legislation and it has stood the test of time. It has built in checks and balance which have been working for years. Without the support the FCC, NPR, PBS and any other public media source gets from the government we would have total anarchy within media. It makes me sick to my stomach that bills like this are even proposed. It makes me even more sick when because of the way bills are passed that budget cuts could be a very possible reality for these media sources. It especially makes me sad because PBS and NPR are my most trusted sources for news. Please take the time to call your state rep and tell them not to pass any of the SIX bills proposed!
Now I don't really watch much TV, in fact I watch little to none on any regular schedule or basis. In fact the only thing on TV I watch with any regularity is the news especially the morning spots. But as off late even that has become less of a source for me to gleam info from. To my fellow facebookers I say thank you because you are always posting the best links and info on the news feed. Without that and my car radio which get dialed into NPR and Liberal Radio in the morning I wouldn't know what is going on in the world. So When I saw some of these posts and then heard about it on Liberal radio I was shocked. The wonderful right is trying to shut down NPR and PBS. They claim they are doing it for the budget and the betterment of America, blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry this is a complete move to wrestle away any control the so called liberal presidency (I say Main Stream) has on media. The whole system was put up in 1934 in response to a major need for regulation. Its an amazing piece of legislation and it has stood the test of time. It has built in checks and balance which have been working for years. Without the support the FCC, NPR, PBS and any other public media source gets from the government we would have total anarchy within media. It makes me sick to my stomach that bills like this are even proposed. It makes me even more sick when because of the way bills are passed that budget cuts could be a very possible reality for these media sources. It especially makes me sad because PBS and NPR are my most trusted sources for news. Please take the time to call your state rep and tell them not to pass any of the SIX bills proposed!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Stuck in My Head!
Hello World,
So that little man that sits in my head singing tunes and not just singing them but singing a short part over and over, well that small man has stopped singing. Hes quoting Eddie Izzard! For the last three days I have been hearing about Ba-naa-naas and monkey asking for bananas while giving you the bird, British people and death or cake or if they run out chicken. I want cake! Part of this is because the cast of AYLI has been running around quoting Eddie's stand up. I decided to watch some this last week and now he's stuck in my head. Well at least its better then the last song stuck in my head "Dingle Berries!" If you are a fan of Eddie good job man, if not go watch him! I need to see him the next time he comes through on a tour. But if not I shall continue to watch him on DVD and TV.
Favorite Show by Eddie and more on Amazon!
So that little man that sits in my head singing tunes and not just singing them but singing a short part over and over, well that small man has stopped singing. Hes quoting Eddie Izzard! For the last three days I have been hearing about Ba-naa-naas and monkey asking for bananas while giving you the bird, British people and death or cake or if they run out chicken. I want cake! Part of this is because the cast of AYLI has been running around quoting Eddie's stand up. I decided to watch some this last week and now he's stuck in my head. Well at least its better then the last song stuck in my head "Dingle Berries!" If you are a fan of Eddie good job man, if not go watch him! I need to see him the next time he comes through on a tour. But if not I shall continue to watch him on DVD and TV.
Favorite Show by Eddie and more on Amazon!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Opinion Seeking
Hello World,
So as many of you might of read I've started a writting project bassed on some research I'm doing in regards to Shakespeare. I wanted to get some opinions from you. Tell me what some of your favorite scenes are between Shakespeare's lovers? The one's you either love the best or you think are the best examples of writting from the noble bard.
So as many of you might of read I've started a writting project bassed on some research I'm doing in regards to Shakespeare. I wanted to get some opinions from you. Tell me what some of your favorite scenes are between Shakespeare's lovers? The one's you either love the best or you think are the best examples of writting from the noble bard.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Must See Movies for Me
Hello World,
I don't think I have gone over movies that much with you. But lets just say I love movies. Horror, Action. Foreign, Sci-fi, Comedy, drama, cartoons and more. If I could go to the movies all the time I would. In fact I save money up special to go to the theater. I also enjoy going to special events, premiers and shows when they come up. One of the best things I can think of doing on a Saturday night at Midnight is going to the Rocky Horror Picture show. As of late I have actually been a little disappointed with some of the movies that have come out. I was really excited for this past Christmas line up and I just didn't think it was delivered on. I'm not saying there weren't good movies. Just not as many movies as I would have wanted or of the normal amazing level that one sees around x-mas. I'm really looking forward to this summer and the up coming movies for the blockbuster season. So here is a list of movies I will be taking the time to see. I'll be puting up reviews to go along with them to.
Gnome & Juliet because 1 its bassed of or Romeo and Juliet (Duhh) and two because I love cartoons!
Rango cause it just looked so funny, plus there is some Johnny!
Its technically a classic story line/plot but It looks interesting.
I liked the book, In fact I love the story of Beauty and the beast and all of the different versions of the myth and fable. However I will judge this one harshly.
I love horror movies, the more ridiculas the better!
This goes on the same lines as Beastly.
Its a haunting story and I really am looking forward to this adaptation.
Anything by this people is worth it.
Suckerpunch! Just because!
Thor, I want to see what they do to set up this collection of heroes.
I've enjoyed the series. I'm glad they got rid of Elizabeth and William. Everything I've heard about this sounds like its going to be great. I've worked with some people who were on this set and they even said they were excited to see the movie.
This was shooting same time I was shooting on another film in the city. They did a lot of work and I'm realy looking forward to #3. However I was told by crew that it was not shot in 3D that its an after effect. So I will not being spending the $ on the glasses.
NEED I SAY MORE!!!!! I might cry at the end.
Classic character, new twist, I/m looking forward to it. Plus the leaks that I've seen look interesting.
YES, I don't care how ridiculos and over the top it is. At midnight for the opening of Tron and this came up this trailer had a bigger reaction then the movie. I WILL BE SEEING THIS! It looks like its everything any sci-fi, b movie fan could ask for with a big budget and a list actors.
I will also be checking out
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
and The Hobbit
I'm drooling over some of these movies!
I don't think I have gone over movies that much with you. But lets just say I love movies. Horror, Action. Foreign, Sci-fi, Comedy, drama, cartoons and more. If I could go to the movies all the time I would. In fact I save money up special to go to the theater. I also enjoy going to special events, premiers and shows when they come up. One of the best things I can think of doing on a Saturday night at Midnight is going to the Rocky Horror Picture show. As of late I have actually been a little disappointed with some of the movies that have come out. I was really excited for this past Christmas line up and I just didn't think it was delivered on. I'm not saying there weren't good movies. Just not as many movies as I would have wanted or of the normal amazing level that one sees around x-mas. I'm really looking forward to this summer and the up coming movies for the blockbuster season. So here is a list of movies I will be taking the time to see. I'll be puting up reviews to go along with them to.
Gnome & Juliet because 1 its bassed of or Romeo and Juliet (Duhh) and two because I love cartoons!
Rango cause it just looked so funny, plus there is some Johnny!
Its technically a classic story line/plot but It looks interesting.
I liked the book, In fact I love the story of Beauty and the beast and all of the different versions of the myth and fable. However I will judge this one harshly.
I love horror movies, the more ridiculas the better!
This goes on the same lines as Beastly.
Its a haunting story and I really am looking forward to this adaptation.
Anything by this people is worth it.
Suckerpunch! Just because!
Thor, I want to see what they do to set up this collection of heroes.
I've enjoyed the series. I'm glad they got rid of Elizabeth and William. Everything I've heard about this sounds like its going to be great. I've worked with some people who were on this set and they even said they were excited to see the movie.
This was shooting same time I was shooting on another film in the city. They did a lot of work and I'm realy looking forward to #3. However I was told by crew that it was not shot in 3D that its an after effect. So I will not being spending the $ on the glasses.
NEED I SAY MORE!!!!! I might cry at the end.
Classic character, new twist, I/m looking forward to it. Plus the leaks that I've seen look interesting.
YES, I don't care how ridiculos and over the top it is. At midnight for the opening of Tron and this came up this trailer had a bigger reaction then the movie. I WILL BE SEEING THIS! It looks like its everything any sci-fi, b movie fan could ask for with a big budget and a list actors.
I will also be checking out
The Avengers
The Dark Knight Rises
and The Hobbit
I'm drooling over some of these movies!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Must Have This
I'm not really one for material possessions. I'm not overly attached to anything I own, nor do I ever really have to go out and buy something. I very much believe that your furnishing, belonging serve you and the purpose they are intended for; you do not serve them. Which basically means I don't freak about putting coasters on tables or making sure everything is pristine. If it doesn't hold up to use it wasn't worth the money. However I must add that while I have this out look utility does not have to be sacrificed for style. I was out buying some items for AYLI and I saw this out of the corner of my eye! I wanted it so bad! But what am I going to do with an elephant shaped tee pot?! Oh well, dreams to go in the hope chest for the life I secretly want but tell everyone I don't.
I'm not really one for material possessions. I'm not overly attached to anything I own, nor do I ever really have to go out and buy something. I very much believe that your furnishing, belonging serve you and the purpose they are intended for; you do not serve them. Which basically means I don't freak about putting coasters on tables or making sure everything is pristine. If it doesn't hold up to use it wasn't worth the money. However I must add that while I have this out look utility does not have to be sacrificed for style. I was out buying some items for AYLI and I saw this out of the corner of my eye! I wanted it so bad! But what am I going to do with an elephant shaped tee pot?! Oh well, dreams to go in the hope chest for the life I secretly want but tell everyone I don't.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Poll: What kind of concessions would you like us to provide?
Poll: What kind of concessions would you like us to provide?
Please help us figure out what to bring. This is the only building I've ever been in that does not have some type of food stuffs.
Please help us figure out what to bring. This is the only building I've ever been in that does not have some type of food stuffs.
Opening night!
Last night was opening night for "As You Like It" and I have to say the show went off with little to no problems. I was very happy with the turn out for opening night and everyone did a really good job. There we some very interesting moments back stage and on set. Touchstone actually tore down part of the set as she was being goofy and being touchstone. Her poor Audrey was trying so had not to loose his cool. (Yes we switched the sexs up) The audience laughed and all said that it was a fun show. I know it was fun because I was having fun doing it! Even when I messed up. Touchstone and I as Corin had probably the oddest mix up on lines. We didn't forget any or skip any, no we just said them all in the wrong order! No one had any idea what we were saying and then we started making faces at each other to cover our bumble. I could just hear Nora laughing as we were lost for about 8 lines! The physical humor was great to. I do a lift on touchstone which got great laughs! And My sheep look amazing. I'll post a pic of them as soon as I have one. I can not wait for silly student night now! Its going to be insane!!! Everyone will break character, especially with our Jaques.
Last night was opening night for "As You Like It" and I have to say the show went off with little to no problems. I was very happy with the turn out for opening night and everyone did a really good job. There we some very interesting moments back stage and on set. Touchstone actually tore down part of the set as she was being goofy and being touchstone. Her poor Audrey was trying so had not to loose his cool. (Yes we switched the sexs up) The audience laughed and all said that it was a fun show. I know it was fun because I was having fun doing it! Even when I messed up. Touchstone and I as Corin had probably the oddest mix up on lines. We didn't forget any or skip any, no we just said them all in the wrong order! No one had any idea what we were saying and then we started making faces at each other to cover our bumble. I could just hear Nora laughing as we were lost for about 8 lines! The physical humor was great to. I do a lift on touchstone which got great laughs! And My sheep look amazing. I'll post a pic of them as soon as I have one. I can not wait for silly student night now! Its going to be insane!!! Everyone will break character, especially with our Jaques.
Friday, February 11, 2011
There is no Business like Show Business!
Like no business I know! Tonight is the night we open. I feel like I've been running a marathon today. Printing this, making that, finding that and oh don't forget about this!!!! Its all worth it thought. Every moment of panic and stress does not equal that one moment of OH yeah, this feels good!!! So come out and see us! More posts and info to come. Lots of broken legs wished on everyone! .http://www.storefrontshakespeare.org/uploads/4/0/2/7/4027247/4807401.jpg?476
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Hell Week
Hello World,
So as we have established I'm working on "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare with Storefront Shakespeare. (My company) This week is the week before we open! Its traditional called Hell Week. There is most defiantly a reason for that. I am tired, sore, and grumpy. I am trying to finish last minute items like, has any one found or bought that prop piece yet?! But the show should be amazing, the cast is doing great! Everyone should come and take the time to come see it. The company and the cast has been working on this for months. The tickets are only $10 for normal shows. http://www.brownpapertickets.com/browse.html?formsubmitted=1&reset=1&secretkeywords=&keywords=storefront+shakespeare But I have to say I'm really looking forward to silly student night. I won't spoil the surprise and tell you anything but it should be full of even more gags and silliness then normal. http://www.storefrontshakespeare.org/ I am playing Corin, the grumpy old shepherd, so look for me! I'm also stage managing, costuming, producing, and everything else ^_^ Come see us this month! It's this Friday!!!!
So as we have established I'm working on "As You Like It" by William Shakespeare with Storefront Shakespeare. (My company) This week is the week before we open! Its traditional called Hell Week. There is most defiantly a reason for that. I am tired, sore, and grumpy. I am trying to finish last minute items like, has any one found or bought that prop piece yet?! But the show should be amazing, the cast is doing great! Everyone should come and take the time to come see it. The company and the cast has been working on this for months. The tickets are only $10 for normal shows. http://www.brownpapertickets.com/browse.html?formsubmitted=1&reset=1&secretkeywords=&keywords=storefront+shakespeare But I have to say I'm really looking forward to silly student night. I won't spoil the surprise and tell you anything but it should be full of even more gags and silliness then normal. http://www.storefrontshakespeare.org/ I am playing Corin, the grumpy old shepherd, so look for me! I'm also stage managing, costuming, producing, and everything else ^_^ Come see us this month! It's this Friday!!!!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Made My F*$#G Day!
Ok so "The Hobbit" had been in and out of production but as a true LOTR fan I am really looking forward to seeing this movie happen. (Dream Job!) So it seems as if they are starting to release who is going to be on the cast, and bonk me on the head and catch me dream but Tennant/ aka The Dr/ aka dream man is goin to be in it. Okay, okay its a rumor but I can still drool a little. The rest of the cast looks just as amazing but this one had me excited.
Ok so "The Hobbit" had been in and out of production but as a true LOTR fan I am really looking forward to seeing this movie happen. (Dream Job!) So it seems as if they are starting to release who is going to be on the cast, and bonk me on the head and catch me dream but Tennant/ aka The Dr/ aka dream man is goin to be in it. Okay, okay its a rumor but I can still drool a little. The rest of the cast looks just as amazing but this one had me excited.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
So I'm Behind the Times
Hello World,
In regards to watching TV, Films and such I don't tend to watch things when their popular or when the air time is. I'm a big fan of DVR, streaming video, and renting things. I like watching things on my term without the commercials. The funny thing is that I recently signed up for Netflixs. I've had it before when it was brand new and the turn around time and selection was low. I decided to try it again when the started offering the streaming on the Wii. Well lets just say I think its the greatest inventions for couch potatoes the world over. I don't think I've been disappointment with it but once and it was cause I doesn't stream on my old Mac. (Pre Intell Chip but it still works like a dream) If your into Movies and TV you have got to get this very cheap service. I have saved so much money with renting things and entertaining myself. $10 vs $100 a month?!
The Funniest thing that has come about because of the Netflixs is that I'm starting to catch up on TV shows that I decided not to follow for what ever reason. For the last month when I haven't been working, or producing "As you Like It" I have been watching Lost. I know laugh at me, that is so 2 years ago. I don't care, it was AMAZING!!!! I got the hype before, I watched a few episodes thought it was interesting. However I had class and then 2 seasons later had no idea what the hell was going on. I'm actually sort of glad I was not caught up in the immediate hype when it happened. I would of had no life! LOL J. J. Abrams does a great job in creating interesting concepts and story lines. He knows what people want and how to give it to them. Oh if only I could be a fly on the wall in his office! Or better yet work for him. I do have to say though that when I started re watching the series from beginning to end I did guess the end by the third episode. I'm still debating on how much was, hell, heaven, limbo and earth but I knew that they were all dead. The one thing that bothered me was that at the end the iconography got a little heavy handed. In some ways keeping track of all of the story lines was like reading Dune. It was fun, I enjoyed it, now I can move on into my next obsession, GLEE!!! LOL which is the only show I currently tune into when it airs. Not this week though, sad face, it hell week. Which is why I love DVR!
In regards to watching TV, Films and such I don't tend to watch things when their popular or when the air time is. I'm a big fan of DVR, streaming video, and renting things. I like watching things on my term without the commercials. The funny thing is that I recently signed up for Netflixs. I've had it before when it was brand new and the turn around time and selection was low. I decided to try it again when the started offering the streaming on the Wii. Well lets just say I think its the greatest inventions for couch potatoes the world over. I don't think I've been disappointment with it but once and it was cause I doesn't stream on my old Mac. (Pre Intell Chip but it still works like a dream) If your into Movies and TV you have got to get this very cheap service. I have saved so much money with renting things and entertaining myself. $10 vs $100 a month?!
The Funniest thing that has come about because of the Netflixs is that I'm starting to catch up on TV shows that I decided not to follow for what ever reason. For the last month when I haven't been working, or producing "As you Like It" I have been watching Lost. I know laugh at me, that is so 2 years ago. I don't care, it was AMAZING!!!! I got the hype before, I watched a few episodes thought it was interesting. However I had class and then 2 seasons later had no idea what the hell was going on. I'm actually sort of glad I was not caught up in the immediate hype when it happened. I would of had no life! LOL J. J. Abrams does a great job in creating interesting concepts and story lines. He knows what people want and how to give it to them. Oh if only I could be a fly on the wall in his office! Or better yet work for him. I do have to say though that when I started re watching the series from beginning to end I did guess the end by the third episode. I'm still debating on how much was, hell, heaven, limbo and earth but I knew that they were all dead. The one thing that bothered me was that at the end the iconography got a little heavy handed. In some ways keeping track of all of the story lines was like reading Dune. It was fun, I enjoyed it, now I can move on into my next obsession, GLEE!!! LOL which is the only show I currently tune into when it airs. Not this week though, sad face, it hell week. Which is why I love DVR!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Costume Work and Research
Hello World,
So This week I spent most of my time creating and finishing costumes for the play I'm working on "As You Like It". I've done quite a bit of costuming as of late. I enjoy clothes and fashion so I don't mind doing the job. The thing that drives me batty is how people seem to think it is only a female job and how its "Easy Right?!" LOL if you have ever done any sewing at all especially with those wonderful expensive silks and satins you know it is anything but easy. I almost started laughing hystaricaly when one of my male leads walks up with a wool frock coat that is about 6 sizes to big for him. He wants to wear it in the show, we open on Friday! Eeekk tailoring!!! The costumes I made for my up coming show for was probably the most difficult, creative and extensive costume work I have done to date. I think the costumes look amazing. There are several different saris, amazing dresses, tunics, pants, scarfs, crowns, beading and anything else you can imagine. Its going to be a very colorful show. I realy wanted to make sure that the imagination was imidiatly caught when the audience saw the characters. We have a very unusual set design and we are asking our audience to take a leap into imagination with us. I think everyone will be plesantly surprised by the work we've done in making sure that this production looks amazing. I cant wait for full costume, tech, and prop rehearsal. So make sure to mark your calendars for the production.
So besides creating costumes I've been doing some research on Shakespeare and the double meaning of his words within his plays. I have an idea and I'm starting to research my refernces and such but I just had to share this book. It's called "Filthy Shakespeare: Shakespeare's Most Outrages Sexual Puns" by Pauline Kiernan. Its a fun break down of what words could possibly mean within the age of Will. It deffinatly adult reading but oh so fun. Well see what comes of this research... I can't wait to start writing it!
Peace and Cookies!
So This week I spent most of my time creating and finishing costumes for the play I'm working on "As You Like It". I've done quite a bit of costuming as of late. I enjoy clothes and fashion so I don't mind doing the job. The thing that drives me batty is how people seem to think it is only a female job and how its "Easy Right?!" LOL if you have ever done any sewing at all especially with those wonderful expensive silks and satins you know it is anything but easy. I almost started laughing hystaricaly when one of my male leads walks up with a wool frock coat that is about 6 sizes to big for him. He wants to wear it in the show, we open on Friday! Eeekk tailoring!!! The costumes I made for my up coming show for was probably the most difficult, creative and extensive costume work I have done to date. I think the costumes look amazing. There are several different saris, amazing dresses, tunics, pants, scarfs, crowns, beading and anything else you can imagine. Its going to be a very colorful show. I realy wanted to make sure that the imagination was imidiatly caught when the audience saw the characters. We have a very unusual set design and we are asking our audience to take a leap into imagination with us. I think everyone will be plesantly surprised by the work we've done in making sure that this production looks amazing. I cant wait for full costume, tech, and prop rehearsal. So make sure to mark your calendars for the production.
So besides creating costumes I've been doing some research on Shakespeare and the double meaning of his words within his plays. I have an idea and I'm starting to research my refernces and such but I just had to share this book. It's called "Filthy Shakespeare: Shakespeare's Most Outrages Sexual Puns" by Pauline Kiernan. Its a fun break down of what words could possibly mean within the age of Will. It deffinatly adult reading but oh so fun. Well see what comes of this research... I can't wait to start writing it!
Peace and Cookies!
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